Wednesday 20 March 2013

What I hate and what I can't be

When I was new in second life I used to wonder things to make my sl better. I first thought that having a handful of good humane relationships and playing bloodlines would make me happy.But sadly that is not the case.For those people who have known me, they I presume can vouch that I am not the type of person who will simply lay back and follow others. I don't want always to lead, but the main criteria of me being in sl was to be either as famous as Anshe Chung or Wagner James Au or Mars Bracken or Jon Jacobs or Strawberry Singh.

So how does one start being like them ? I am not an earner in real, getting facts straight a new engineer on the job doesn't get paid much , leave aside the exchange rates of the countries.So investment for me is not an options since I can't be a capitalist.I am not capable either like some guy who mortgaged his house to buy a club in sl and earned triple the amount of his investment from the club.Nor am I so patient to be hit a club and work there. I have always hated clubs in second life with a passion.The worst thing to put me off mood would be send me a random tp where there are more than 3 avatars in the region.Neither am I a talented scripter or builder. All I am is articulate at the most.
Well today I am going to share a few facts about me more than that is in my profile and be a bit narcisstic..
and yes even i am hating to just whine..but hey atleast it makes me feel good
1st fact -
I hate the people who don't act their age in second life. I mean that yes its their second life, but I hate it because I have been lied too many times in second life where I find out a 60 year old grandma behind the computer claiming to be in her early 30s in sl.

2nd fact -
I dislike the fact that we men are stuck with only a handful of clothing and fashion accessories just like in real.

3rd fact-
People copying fashion,I am extremely choosy when it comes to my hair and I have stood around at bloodlines for an hour or two and next day someone wears the same shape,hair and skin like me... Bingo ! I lost my visual uniqueness ..

4th fact-
I love exploring places and I am turning into a texture addict but ...when I see places that are primy and pain in the eyes... I at times log in my alt and write a huge notecard to the owners about what visual effects are making me bleed and what can they do to make the sim more beautiful.

People not disclosing their real life after claiming to be emotionally close to me.. uh no... not happening. If you want to be a friend, you ought to let me know about your real life after a few months. I can't spend my entire life waiting for and talking to an avatar..And the reason is this ...

So summing up 3 years of my second life , all I have been through is meeting a lot of weird, ungrateful, confused people.I shall confess though.. Inspite of meeting the people who have made me believe in the stupidity of humanity. I have met a lot of wonderful charming and inspiring people who have made me believe that a few mins of chat with a wise person is enough to drag you out of the mediocrity.
So what I am now is totally different than what I used to be.
Ok... yay feeling better after ranting..
If you read through it , thank you for reading I will be there the next time you want to rant and take some stress of your bosoms.

Thursday 7 March 2013

The Think Tank Is Out of Ammunition - pt.1

When exactly was the collective decision made in America to cease using you're and replace it with your?  Why has "you are" become "you r?"  Was the silent e downsized and outsourced?  Maybe the announcement was made while I was completing my online application for a fellowship to the George W. Bush School of Public Speaking. 

On another note, I think it is high time those of us in the west reduced our carbon footprint by wearing only natural fiber clothing, but not cotton, due to its past connection to the slave trade.  I suggest we wear hemp garments.  hemp is all natural, durable, and when the clothes finally do wear out, we can smoke them.  After all, we won't be getting high, just recycling!  Ah, but lighting all those bongs and joints will create smoke, which will contribute to global warming…what is a populous to do?

Sunday 3 March 2013

I wonder

So many people in second life,everyone has their own story to tell.Every story more dramatic than the other one.Being a hopeless romantic I have always sought to find a couple who has the perfect love story. 3 years of my life in the virtual world has taught me that relationships don't last. No, I am not talking about romantic relationship.I mean the other bonds which we form with people.I have been glad to have been blessed with a few heart touching people throughout my second life. But cursed too since I won't know what happened to them. Three such friends of my was praxthym tophat,jeffery83,nathan scaggs. They came,we talked, they conquered my heart through friendship and caring..
Praxthym he said to me he would return  next day and tell me about his projects he was gonna submit the next morning...
Jeffery83 said he is gonna go and try to talk to his real ex and then let me know what happened ..he gave me his real email,added me on skype. Sadly its been 3 years now, since I saw him going offline on skype with a smiley face since I had motivated him to take 1 last shot in fixing his relationship with his wife.
Nathan said he was going on a trip for 2 weeks
Whats common in between these three guys ? They never returned.
At times I do wonder, where are they, what are they upto ..are they even alive...
Guess I won't ever know no. But what I have learned from them is that you need years to make someone love you or even like you. Few weeks of just being a good human being is enough to be remembered eternally by some other person sitting on the other end of the planet missing you forever.
Motto of the experience : Be nice to everyone, Life is too short to hate someone.Everyone one of us has the power to put a smile on a stranger's face across the planet and change their lives. Thats the power of a single good human soul .