Tuesday 16 April 2013

Why won't it last

Last night, me and a very dear friend of mine were simply talking about relationships in second life.I was telling him how tough has it been for me to sustain a relationship in second life.I was at one point thinking that may be there is some kind of fault in me..some serious fault,as you people might be well aware that I am not chuck norris of second life or the brad pitt. [ every other guy in sl looks much better than a real life movie star at any given time]. Beautiful women are so abundant in second life that some one who has caligynephobia would surely commit suicide after being around 1 hour in world. I have seen second life change first hand.Right from the high paid job of being a model to every other person looking like a model. Beautiful physical features are so rampant in second life that people are actually now understanding not to go for looks when it comes partnership.[although it helps ..]
But what I figured out was that based on relationships, people in second life can be divided into a few categories.
No I am in a perfectly good condition and not suicidal lmao

Nah lets not divide people more, we already have too many divisions based on caste,race,life style,fashion,money etc.
But I will tell you why do people rarely go steady when it comes to relationships.It is because it is easy to flee.Normal people do not run when there is a problem in their relationship.They fix it.All relationships on planet earth has its own ups and downs.Do we really leave our parents when we have an argument or a quarrel with them ..no we don't but in second life we 'mute' them.60 % of people in second life who look for a stable relationship are already in a real life relationship and unhappy or single in real like me. [i have never dated in real only in sl which became my real click here for that info].So what happens is that those unhappy meet each other and partner up.But they forget that if you can't enjoy what you have in real how can expect to enjoy a dream ?Its like saying I do not like my pillow cover, but I won't change the cover, rather I will simply dream about a better pillow.Fine, nothing wrong if it makes you happy, but a dream is always a dream.Sooner or later it will break.
So if you are single in second life, do not actively look for a partner. If you are normal, you will find a normal person [hopefully who will be honest and not hide their mental illness from you ].
When ever I see a profile specially that of a female in sl it has a cliche on it . 'If you can't handle me at my worst , you don't deserve me at my best ' - what are you ...goddess Aphrodite or something like that ?
And also I personally would suggest if you see someone's profile say real is real and sl is sl shit... it would be my personal advice to stay away from them.Because after all we are all humans and we do have feelings.At some point of time there is always an inquisitiveness to know about the person behind the pixel.. I mean seriously would it not not suck to hook up with someone from the same state you live in and then find out that you are actually in a relationship with your pastor's wife or your best friend's mother ?
Some of you might say that that's the best part of not sharing. But would it not suck if you partner someone and they leave the next week from sl leaving you all alone and get busy enjoying a first life and you won't ever know who they are ever..
Yes age does not matter in sl when it comes to relationships but also 20 year old girl won't be matured enough for a 50 year old man unless she is into submission. And more over don't you think if you are not disclosing your  real life upto a certain level as the relationship matures you are being dishonest to your own self ..after all if the feeling and the care is honest and mutual why limit it to graphics only ..

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